Paliva (Fuels) is a scientific journal issued quarterly by the Faculty of Environmental Technology, ICT Prague. Fuels publishes papers on a broad range of topics covering exploitation, processing, upgrading, and utilization of various types of fuels, and power engineering.
English Česky
Current issue

Instructions for Authors

1. General Instructions for Authors

Journal Fuels is published in Czech, Slovak, and English language. Manuscripts should be sent to the editors via the electronic form or e-mailed to The manuscript must be accompanied by the author’s full name and affiliation including a full mailing address and email address. If there is more than one author of the manuscript, the correspondence author must be indicated. If no correspondence author is indicated, the editors correspond with the lead author. Editors will confirm the receipt of the manuscript to the correspondence author.

Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts based on factual errors and whether manuscripts do not meet these guidelines and fit the journal profile.

2. Manuscript Structure

Review Paper has these sections: title, names of authors and addresses of their workplaces, abstract, keywords, introduction, the text divided into chapters, conclusion (optionally the acknowledgement), list of references and the summary in English.

Original Paper has the following structure: title, names of he authors, addresses of their workplaces, abstract, keywords, introduction, experimental part, results and discussion, conclusion (optionally the acknowledgement), list of references and the summary.

3. General Rules for Manuscript Preparation

Title of the paper should contain information on the objectives and results of the work. The title cannot contain abbreviations. Reasonable title length is 10 words.

Names of authors and addresses of their workplaces must be given in full, including e-mail addresses. Authors with different affiliations should be linked with their workplaces using alphabetic superscripts immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address (e.g. Jan Novaka, aInstitute of...).

Abstract should briefly define the focus of the paper, the work objectives, methods used (in the case of an original paper) and the results. The abstract length should be within the range of 100 to 200 words.

List of Keywords describing the subject under investigation should contain no more than 10 words.

Introduction should briefly state the objectives of the work, characterize the current state of knowledge of the problem, and describe the chosen approach to the solution (in the case of an original paper). The introduction should contain citations of papers, books, and other literature resources on the topic with emphasis on fundamental or most recent works. Excessive quotes and attempts to include an exhaustive list of references are undesirable.

Experimental section describes materials, methods, procedures or equipment so that the reader can set out to reproduce the experiments or measurements. Operations, procedures, equipment and substances already known are reported only via the references. Extensive experimental sections should be divided into chapters.

Results and discussion section usually includes obtained results (primary data or data derived by calculation), comparison of the results with the literature data, and discussion of potential differences or contradictions, etc.

Conclusions that can be drawn from the data shortly sumarize achieved results.

List of symbols (physical quantities, abbreviations of chemical compounds and procedures, acronyms) is important whenever a large number of such symbols appear within the text, mathematical equations, diagrams, etc. Physical quantities must include their dimensions. To select the physical and physicochemical symbols it is imperative to use the IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units (Pergamon Press, Oxford 1993). In principle SI units are used; other units must be explained if the definition is not clear. Abbreviations are recommended especially when they are commonly used (NMR, IR, etc.).

References should be listed at the end of the document; for details see the chapter below.

4. Technical Guidance for Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript should be written in MS Word, Times New Roman font, 10 pt font size, margin width 2 cm, in two columns, text aligned to the block. Spacing through the entire document is 1. First line of the paragraph is indented by 0.7 cm. At the beginning of the manuscript is the title written in capital letters (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, center alignment). On the next line are placed the names and surnames of the authors (without titles) and addresses of their organizations (Times New Roman, 10 point, italic, bold, centered). The use of MS Word template is highly recommended. This template contains predefined styles for all required parts of the article - normal text, headings, title, abstract, table formats etc. Using the styles instead of manually setting the formatting you save a lot of work and avoid the deviations from the required appearance of the article.

You may highlight parts of the text, use superscripts and subscripts, italic, etc. Basic typography conventions should also be followed: a space must be placed after a comma in a sentence and after the period at the end of the sentence. Within parenthesis the text continues without a space, etc. Carefully distinguish between a dash and a hyphen. A dash sentence punctuation must be separated with the help of two spaces, such as: “This procedure – although the authors do not recommend it – worked.” In contrast, a hyphen is inserted between words without spaces: physical-chemical, etc. When using a hyphen at the beginning of a chemical name, use the so-called hard (sticky) hyphen which prevents the locant (the numeral) being left at the end of the line and the rest of the name being placed on the new line.

The length of the manuscript should not exceed 15 pages.

Structural formulas and diagrams
Formulas are numbered in Arabic numbers and are given a name.

Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals. Each table is given a title that describes the relationship among the variables appearing in the table.

Figures are numbered in Arabic numerals. Each figure must be accompanied by a legend that makes it unambiguously clear (i.e. without having to seek the necessary information in the text). Graphs must have the abscissa and the ordinate titled by the names of the respective variables; dimensions are given in parentheses. If the dimension is composed of several units, separate the units by dots. A fraction is always translated into a product with the divisor in a form of a negative power (e.g.: l.mol. min-1)
Graphs should be as simple as possible.

References to Literature
Literature references are numbered in the order they appear by numbers in square brackets inserted in the text at the place where the source is cited. Journal name abbreviations are used in accordance with the Chemical Abstract Service Source Index, including the transliteration of names of authors, book titles, etc., written in other than Latin alphabet. To a minimum should be restricted inaccessible literature references (internal research reports, non-periodical company literature references), unpublished work, private communications, lectures that were not published in full, etc. References to a difficult to obtain source should be supplemented with a reference to Chemical Abstracts. If the reference has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, it should be referenced as doi: XX.XXXX/

Authors Names are given as a surname followed by initials with a dot; in case an author has more initials, it is useful to separate the initials using the so-called hard space. Individual authors are separated by a comma, the word “and” is not used, a colon is placed after the last author’s name, e.g. “Novak S. M., Kutil A. J.:”

Publication title follows the authors’ names in a form of the full publication title in the original language: <span style="background-color: rgb(211, 211, 211); font-family: Verdana, " arial="" ce",="" "helvetica="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 11.2px;="" text-align:="" justify;"="">Li, J., He, Y., Tan, L. et al. Integrated tuneable synthesis of liquid fuels via Fischer–Tropsch technology. Nat Catal 1, 787–793 (2018), doi: 10.1038/s41929-018-0144-z

As long as the journal is not divided into volumes, the journal title is followed by the year and the number of the first page of the cited work: Novak S. M., Kutil A. J.: CoalGasification; Fuel 73, 1990, 2263.

Reference to books and monographs
It is necessary to provide the name of the book. At the end of the citation place the name of the publisher followed by the place and the year of the release: Lukes K. A.: Solid Fuels. Chapters on Coal. Magnet Press, Pardubice 2009.

Reference to lectures/posters at conferences
The full name of the conference (congress, symposium) must be used in the original language as well as the place and the date or the duration of the event. If proceedings were published (Proceedings, Book of Abstracts) it is necessary to cite not only the volume but especially the page: Corning D. R.: 10th Annual IUPAC Congress: Structure of Coal, Prague, 31 Aug. - 4 Sept. 1998, Book of Abstracts, p. 137.

Reference to patents and patent applications
If the patent applicant is a company, its name must follow in parentheses the names of the authors. The citation must be accompanied by the reference to Chemical Abstracts: Fuchikamiu T., Ubukata Y. (Sagami Chemical Research Center): PCT Int. Appl. WO 91 09674; Chem. Abstr.115, 158720 (1991).

Reference to legal documents
Always include the name of the law, for example: Act No. 309/1992 Coll. about air protection against pollutants (Clean Air Act), (e.g. § 28, 1a). Collection of Laws 1992, Chapter 57, p. 1343.

Reference to technical standards
The name of the standard must be always used (number is not enough): ISO Standard 8192-84: LNG quality: Test for combustion.

Reference to website addresses
Website address (URL) may be also stated separately. Due to the fact that website content can fluctuate, the date of page access should be noted in the citation, e.g.:, accessed on September 3, 1999. Spolana a.s:.Neraten - LinearAlphaOlefins: Neraten 30+ (Aug. 1998). Spolana, Neratovice 1998. http://www., accessed October 7, 1998.

Summary is located at the end of the article. It starts with the names of the authors, followed (in parentheses) by the name of the institution and its simplified address, and then the title of the paper. The text of the following actual summary should not exceed 500 words. Abbreviations, literature citations, tables, figures, and references to the text are not permitted.

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